International Seminar in Russia
Participants of the black belt test. Foto Radoslaw Dyduch
Between May 23-24 2014, The School of highest sports skills in Saint Petersburg hosted an International Schooling-Qualifying Seminar OYAMA IKF on occasion of 20th Anniversary of OYAMA Karate in Russia. Seminar was lead by Soshu Shigeru Oyama 10th dan (USA) and the director OYAMA IKF Hanshi Jan Dyduch 8th Soshu Oyama 10 dan during the seminar, foto Radoslaw Dyduch Representatives from Russia, Poland, Germany and Ukraine took part in the meeting. During the seminar Grand Master thought advanced kata - Kanku-Dai. Soshu was assisted by Hanshi Jan Dyduch. A group of 15 candidates took part in the test. The results of the promotion test will be published later this year. Dimitry Saveliev World Champion KWU and Russia from 2013 in action. foto Radoslaw Dyduch During the official part of the seminar Soshu Shigeru Oyama presented Shihan Igor Gubaydulin with a 5 dan black belt. Grand Master presented an honorary 2 dan black belt for Mister Vyacheslav Cherevko - representative of Sankt Petersburg authorities. foto: Radosław Dyduch Soshu Oyama accompanied by Hanshi Jan Dyduch and Shihan Igor Gubaydulin. Foto Radoslaw Dyduch During the council of Branch Chiefs and Country Representatives OYAMA IKF, Poland was given the honors of organizing the European Open OYAMA IKF Championships in Kata and Kumite May 23-24th 2015. Radoslaw Dyduch, OYAMA IKF Executive Director, was present during the council. Grand Master Shigeru Oyama 10th dan accepted the invitation for the 16th International Schooling-Qualifying Seminar OYAMA IKF, Krakow 2016 organized on occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Oyama Karate in Poland. Sincere congratulations on an excellent exam. We would like to thank the organizers for their help and fruitful cooperation, OSU Fotos |