photo Radosław Dyduch
In days 25-26 May 2013 year, Central Sport Complex (CSC) of Vitebsk - Belarus hosted the 4th European Open OYAMA Karate Championships for Juniors and Seniors in: Knockdown, Semi-knockdown and Kata. The organizer of this event, was The OYAMA Karate Organization of Belarus with Sensei Igor Yurkevich 3rd Dan. City of Vitebsk and its officials took patronage over the Championships. Thirteen different organizations from 8 countries including : Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Azerbaijan and Poland were represented at the tournament. European Championships gathered over 320 competitors.
During the opening ceremony, Hanshi Jan Dyduch 8th Dan presented his gratitude on Mr Viktor Shchuko's hands. City and region officials especially the Department of physical culture, sport and tourism of the Vitebsk oblast Executive Committee took patronage and supported the championships. Hanshi expressed his gratitude for Sensei Igor Yurkevich 3rd Dan and Sensei Mikhail Rovkach 1st dan for organizing the tournament. Hanshi Jan Dyduch also handed the OYAMA IKF certificates for Country Representatives and Branch Chiefs as well as the belts and diplomas for the promotion test that was conducted during the 15th International Seminar with Soshu Shigeru Oyama 10th Dan in Krakow 2012.
The main referee of the tournament was Sensei Igor Yurkevich 3rd Dan (Belarus). The referee leading the Kata and Kobudo was Shihan Pawel Pajdak 5th dan (Poland). During the absence of Sensei Andrzej Tomiałowicz 4th dan (Germany), The European Championships in Knockdown and Semi-knockdown were overseen personally by Sensei Yurkevich.
Iwona Strek (Poland) won a gold medal in Kata. photo: Radosław Dyduch
Saturday morning started with kata and kobudo presentations on two tatami. Same day afternoon was occupied by prestigious and elite knockdown tournament. Sunday was reserved for European Championships for Juniors in Semi-knockdown.
Junior fights were tough and very even, photo: Radosław Dyduch
According to expectations, European Championships in Kata and Kobudo were dominated by Polish competitors and in kumite (Knockdown and Semi-knockdown for juniors ) most medals went to representatives from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
Courageous seniors match up in knockdown, photo: Radosław Dyduch
The level in Knockdown was very high just like the level of excitement in the CSC sports hall. Most spectacular fights were the final fights between Ayk Danielyan (Russia) and Jakub Kowalik (Poland) and Dominik Rzepka (Poland) and Viktor Procenko (Russia). In woman category Nataliya Seliyukova (Belarus) fought very well and on a very high level.
Nataliya Seliyukova (Belarus) won a gold medal in great style, photo: Radosław Dyduch
Sunday evening, after the end of the European Championships there was a meeting of the members of OYAMA IKF lead by Hanshi Jan Dyduch 8 dan. During the council, members agree on the dates of future tournaments. Next European Championships will be organized in Kiev - 2015 (Ukraine ). The World Knockdown Cup in Saint Petersburg - 2017 (Russia). According to these agreements few new sports regulations were updated. Members agreed on the calendar and program of schooling seminars in Poland and Russia up to 2015.
Sincere congratulations and thanks to all competitors,
coaches, referees, parents and sponsors, OSU!